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November 11, 2005
Mary Mapes, Deranged Retard
Don't pick a fight with a deranged retard. When enranged, they gain the strenght of twenty men, and come at you with full retard-strength fury, a cyclone of elbows and teeth and brightly-colored mismatched sneakers.
Check out her web-chat.
Omaha, Neb.: In Appendix 4 of the Independent Review Panel, Peter Tytell, a widely acknowledged typewriter and document examination expert concluded that "the Killian documents were generated on a computer" and that they "were not produced on a typewriter in the 1970s and therefore not authentic." Given his indisputable expertise, wouldn't this end the debate as to whether or not they were forgeries?
Mary Mapes: Not at all. Document analysts disagree all the time. That is the point of the profession. They serve as expert witnesses in cases all the time. It is an art and science that is more akin to hair analysis than to DNA testing.
Besides, there is no one typeface or document analysis God. They are many people with experience.
Note that these documant analysts who support the authenticity of the documents are not named.
One thing I thought was pretty funny was that, while Mary Mapes was blasting bloggers for casting doubt on the documents, she was more than happy to cite left wing bloggers making the (specious) case the documents were real. She didn't call them bloggers, though; she called them "experts."
I don't know if she's found real experts to authenticate these documents -- I pretty much doubt it -- so I'm guessing she's still relying on ultrapartisan lefty blogger "experts" as proof of the documents' authenticity.
Kinda funny. Bloggers are partisan and not to be trusted, unless they agree with you. Then they're the Gold Standard.
Are you gonna trust Mary Mapes, or your own lyin' eyes?

I don't understand why the MSM, when questioning her, simply doesn't put that .gif up and ask her to explain it.
Oh, wait, I do. First, it came from a partisan political operative, and second, the evidence is just too damning. They question her with some amount of toughness, but, at the end of the day, they want to leave the question open. Putting that graphic up simply closes the "debate" completely, and even Mapes' skeptics want to keep hope alive.
Journalism Is The First Draft of History, Book Deals Are the Baldfaced Lies of History Update: One of the document authenticators Mapes employed -- and then completely ignored -- calls Mapes on her various lies, ommissions, and distortions.
Best bit: A dog-ate-my-homework moment. Emily Will sent Mapes a .pdf file outlining her concerns and doubts about the documents, but Mapes claimed she couldn't open the file.
Another woman the file was sent to said she had no problem opening it.
Mapes read that goddamned file. She just wanted to feign ignorance, so she could tell her higher-ups that "experts agree this is authentic."
Thanks to Bart.