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November 10, 2005
Kurds Begin Buying "Thank You, America" TV Ads
Apart from genuine gratitude, they probably think that kissing up to us will keep us in their corner.
And I have to say they're right in that regard.
The campaign's called "The Other Iraq," which seems to carry two messages: 1, we're the good Iraqis, 2, we're not really Iraqis ("the other Iraq") and we'd really like full independence.
Although I've previously been a fan of letting the three Iraqs go their separate ways ("What about Turkey?": fuck Turkey), I'm not sure if I like the idea of an indepedent Sunni-stan becoming the new Afghanistan. Someone has to keep those assholes under control.
I suppose "maintenance bombing," as one wag dubbed our need to constantly bomb the "contained" Saddam Hussein, might work in a pinch, if it were necessary. And of course they'd be cut off from all oil revenues from oil-rich Kurdistan and Shiastan, increasing their rage but decreasing their ability to do too much about it.
Would be awfully nice to hear a thank-you from the Shi'ites.
Thanks to Megan.