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November 09, 2005
Sullivan Vs. Sullivan
It's Degenerate! No Wait, It's Fair Game!
"It seems to me that using explicitly religious criteria--rather than jurisprudential philosophy--for judicial nominations is yet another sign of how degenerate Bush's brand of conservatism is."--Andrew Sullivan on Harriet Miers, Oct. 28
"The upshot of [Pope] Benedict's church will be indeed to dictate to Catholic public officials, including judges, what they can and cannot do and still be allowed to receive communion. Under those circumstances, a judge's religion would indeed be fair game for Senate hearings, it seems to me."--Andrew Sullivan on Sam Alito, Nov. 7
"Under these circumstances" is the fudge. Religiosity can, in Sullivan's world, be held against someone, but it's "degenerate" to hold it in favor of someone.
From Taranto.