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November 08, 2005
Panic Stations: Ace Solo on Hoist The Black Flag Today At 4PM
Karol's doing her thing on election day here in New York, so I'm going to try to wing this show without an, um, wingman.
My guest will be Tim Worstall, apparently a European of some sort, but don't hold that against him. He's just edited a book about the best in British blogging, called 2005 Blogged: Dispatches From the Blogosphere (available from amazon.co.uk, but not amazon.com).
We'll be talking about blogging in Britain, the EU, Youths of Undetermined Ethnic Extraction, and maybe our favorite parts from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
I'll also be ranting about this Joe Wilson character.
At Rightalk at 4PM Eastern, 1 PM Pacific, 9PM London/Lisbon time.
Given the fact that I'll almost certainly be reduced to a gibbering ooze of naked primal fear ten minutes into the show, it would be a good time to call in, at 866 884 TALK, to add your thoughts or maybe make fun of a retard.