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November 07, 2005
Gay Cowboys Eating Pudding
Cartman explains "independent cinema."
Galley Slaves questions Andrew Sullivan's objectivity regarding gay-cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain.
Sullivan gushes about how "brave" it is that the "macho" Jake Gyllenhallenhyllenhallenhall would dare to be in a movie like this. As Galley Slaves points out, this is his stock in trade. He's basically an Indy-movie goon like Johnny Depp. Praising Jakey for playing a gay cowboy eating pudding is much like praising Parker Posey for "daring" to play a brittle, neurotic comic-relief moronbitch in an independent movie.
That's not "daring." That's her type. (She's really good at it, I have to say.)
Thanks to Wizbang! for the audio.
And thanks to utron for the tip.