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November 06, 2005
Worst Night of Rioting Yet In France
Mayhem Goes National, Hits Outskirts of Capital; 1,295 Cars Burned in Worst Night of Arson Yet
YOUEE's -- Youths of Undetermined Ethnic Extraction, pronounced YOW-ees -- use molotov cocktails and gasoline bombs to burn cars, trucks, nurseries (!), schools, businesses.
And a bomb-making factory has been discovered in Fallujah a suburb of Paris:
Police also found a gasoline bomb-making factory in a rundown building in Evry, a southern Paris suburb that contained 150 explosives, more than 100 bottles, gallons of fuel and hoods for hiding rioters’ faces, Jean-Marie Huet, a senior Justice Ministry official, said Sunday.
Remember when the Europeans suggested that 9/11 was a Muslim reaction American refusal to sign the Kyoto Accords?
Well... 1,295 French cars burned in one night alone (900 last night, thousands altogether). Maybe this is all just a reaction to France's failure to fully implement the Accords.
Just trying to help. Just speculating as to the Kyoto-based "root causes" of this terrorism.
A Grim Milestone... Photoshop at LGF.