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November 04, 2005
North Korea Hates Pants
On chicks, that is.
North Korea's communist government is urging women in the country to wear traditional Korean clothes instead of pants, according to a North Korean monthly magazine.
"Keeping alive our dress style is a very important political issue to adhere to specific national cultural traditions at a time when the U.S. imperialists are maneuvering to spread the rotten bourgeois lifestyle inside North Korea," the Joson Yeosung (Woman) magazine said, according to South Korea's Yonhap news agency.”
First of all, pants aside, I’m intrigued North Korea has a Womans’ mag. Makes you sort of wonder at the articles a genocidal, starve everybody regime, would stuff inside its version of Cosmo: "This fall, thin is in. Again!"… "Cholera is the new black!"... "Re-education Camp weekend getaways!"
And second, while you’re no doubt sitting there thinking “Good call, Dear Leader. Who doesn’t like dames in skirts?” - hold on. As the article notes, Kim’s demanding a return to the Hanbok, so North Korea won’t exactly become the workers'/leg man’s paradise you’re hoping.
And yes, while I of course appreciate a big F.U. in the direction of those shrill North Korean feminists, a return to “Three Kingdoms” era clothing doesn’t really speak well as their country’s inevitable march to the future, either.
Frankly, I’m beginning to entertain some doubts about that country’s direction. Thought you should know.

posted by Dr. Reo Symes at
02:09 PM
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