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November 04, 2005
Detroit Mayoral Race
In the comments section to this post at Desolation Row about the racism of Maryland Democrats, commenter Jayne made some astonishing remarks:
We are having the same thing right now in our Mayor election of Detroit. Both candidates are black but one calls the other not Black enough. Not to worry though. It came out two days ago that the one who is Black enough has been found to be having the City Clerk send out absentee ballots to over 41% of the residents of Detroit-dead or alive-ALREADY FILLED IN as votes for himself and the City Clerk.
Surfing around, I found
this article about the mishandling of ballots by the City Clerk's office, but interestingly, the writer never mentions the sitting mayor or touches upon who is being benefitted by the tampering.
Among findings by News reporters were ballots cast by people registered to vote at abandoned and long-demolished buildings; a master voter list with 380,000 incorrect names and addresses, including people who have died or moved out of the city; and a practice of hand-delivering ballots from senior citizens and disabled voters that were filled out in private meetings with Currie's paid election workers.
In addition, reporters found that city residents diagnosed with Alzheimer's and dementia who could not name the mayor of Detroit or know if they had voted in the primary had completed absentee ballots with the help of Currie's election workers.
Jayne again:
The clerk-Jackie Currie- says they are only trying to sell papers. Her husband was the city clerk in 1963. He was convicted of doing the same vote tampering that she is now doing.
Oh brother.
This is a city that is bedeviled by urban blight and crime, high teen pregnancy and a high murder rate.
But what are the people in charge expending their energy addressing?
Remember, its not about the smooth and capable governance of a city; its about retaining power and the gravy train at all costs. Oh, and its about blackness, which apparently comes in different strengths, like Tylenol. It would seem the sitting mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, is a Maximum-Extra-Strength Black Man, while the challenger, Freman Hendrix, is a chewable cherry-flavored baby aspirin.
I'm hopeful that at some point within my lifetime, people of all races will look around themselves and realize that a little civic duty goes a long way toward easing urban issues. And on that day, I hope Jesse Jackson finally finds the church he's supposedly the Reverend of, and settles down into a quiet retirement.
Please check out Desolation Row's post and read all of Jayne's comments. The Rosa Parks angle in there is very interesting too.
NRO's Henry Payne has a superb and detailed article on this very subject.

posted by Laura. at
11:01 AM
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