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November 04, 2005
Right On Schedule: Poland, Rumania Accused Of Hosting CIA Prisons
As predicted: the leaks by CIA personnel (sworn to secrecy) about the CIA's secret prison system have begun the detective-work and the accusations.
The prisons will be shut down soon. If Poland and Rumania host them, they'll ask the CIA to move them. Even if they don't host them, it won't be long until the next round of accusations; there are only so many countries in "Eastern Europe," after all. It's just a process of elimination.
Note that this chain of events -- this decision -- was not made by the duly elected government of the United States but by bureaucrats who have arrogated to themselves the power to direct America's foreign and military policy.
So: given that this leak has already caused great embarassment to the US and two of her allies, and the CIA's Al Qaeda prisons are about to be shut down there -- is this a leak of classified information worth investigating?
Or is this one of those "good leaks" the liberal media and liberal bureaucratic establishment in Washington -- our nation's "permanent government" -- approve of?
If the CIA is allowed to leak classified information to jeopardize an entire program of which some of its bureaucrats disapprove, why can't Scooter Libby leak the name of a single DC-based soccer-mom of whom he doesn't approve?
The incompetent CIA seems to employ a highly selective reading of our nation's secrecy laws.