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November 03, 2005
Theodore Dalrymple On France
I first read Dalrymple’s City Journal piece, Barbarians at the Gates of Paris back when it was originally published, late 2002.
It’s getting attention on the net today and I thought maybe I’d work some of it into a long post on France’s troubles. I decided otherwise.
The thing is so damn good, it defines the word ‘prescient’ in explaining how Paris got to where it is, why it’s in flames. And it does it so eloquently. Really, I can’t touch it. It deserves to stand on it’s own.
Do yourself a favor. Make some time, sit back, read it. You’ll be glad you did.
When you’re done, proceed directly to his The Suicide Bombers Among Us and understand what England faces.
Dalrymple, for my money, is the best essayist working today.

posted by Dr. Reo Symes at
10:06 PM
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