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Email of the Day: Andrew Sullivan, Bipolar Bloviator »
November 03, 2005
Now Twenty Towns Around Paris Engulfed In Rioting
Senator Harry Reid Calls For Michael Brown's Re-Resignation; Kanye West Seethes That "George Bush Doesn't Like French People"

City of Lights?
Youths ignored an appeal for calm from President Jacques Chirac, whose government worked feverishly to fend off a political crisis amid criticism that it has ignored problems in neighborhoods heavily populated by first- and second-generation North African and Muslim immigrants.
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin called a string of emergency meetings with Cabinet ministers throughout the day. He told the Senate the government "will not give in" to violence in the troubled suburbs.
"Order and justice will be the final word in our country," Villepin said. "The return to calm and the restoration of public order are the priority our absolute priority."
Sounds like "bring 'em on" cowboy-bluster, with no mention of an exit strategy and no help from the International Community.