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September 24, 2005
Weekend Geek Confession
Does anybody else remember that Battlebots show that was on Comedy Central a few years back? I really enjoyed it a lot, because who doesn't enjoy robots banging the crap out of each other, pulverizers and killsaws tagging the unwary robot drivers, and in general geek mayhem?
The whole "turning crap into functioning (and sometimes useful) machinery" thing got me hooked on Battlebots as well as a Junkyard Wars. I like American Chopper for similar reasons, except there you get a lot of high-priced machinery and heavy doses of the Teutels screaming in entertaining fashion at each other (and their employees - long live Vinny!)
Anyway, what the hell was my point? Oh yeah, Battlebots.
This is why I find myself in Rochester, NY for a weekend. I'm at the two-day Rochester Robot Rampage, sponsored by the Battlebots folks. Two days of robot carnage.
God, I'm such a geek, aren't I? Ah well. Such is life.

posted by Harry Callahan at
09:15 AM
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