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September 13, 2005
When Property Rights Go...
...all other rights follow.
Well, the eviction notices are out now.
The city of New London, Connecticut decided that they could make more money off non-blighted seaside properties from a developer, than from the original homeowners.
I live in Connecticut. What I find striking is the unanimous hue and cry against this from every political corner. The lefties could not friggin believe that it was THEIR GUYS in the Supreme Court that thought it was a good idea.
Boiled down, it comes to this; the Court decided that the public good under Eminent Domain extends not only for State appropriation of land for public roads, bridges, and such, but also for State appropriation of land to give to private developers.
So, your home is just not as valuable to us as a fancy-pants mini-mall is. You don't own it anymore, here's a check, get out. No, you don't get to negotiate the price of your own property. We're the State. We do as we please.
Lefties, please think twice about trying to keep constructionists out of the Supreme Court. I know you value the document, in your own way. Please keep this in mind. Constructionists, GOOD.

posted by Laura. at
11:40 PM
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