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September 12, 2005
Blair Advisers Urge Cancelling Holocaust Remembrance Day, As Muslims Find It "Offensive"
Dhimmitude -- Catch the Fever!
Advisers appointed by British Prime Minister Tony Blair are proposing that Britain get rid of Holocaust Memorial Day because Muslims find it offensive, the British Sunday Times reported.
The draft proposals - which provoked a backlash from British Jewish leaders - want to replace Holocaust Memorial Day with a Genocide Day that would include recognition of Muslim deaths in the West Bank and Gaza, Chechnya and Bosnia, the Times said.
A Home Office spokesman said it would consider the proposals but said it regarded the Holocaust as a "defining tragedy in European history," according to the report.
"The very name Holocaust Memorial Day sounds too exclusive to many young Muslims," a member of one of the committees was quoted as saying. "It sends out the wrong signals: that the lives of one people are to be remembered more than others. It's a grievance that extremists are able to exploit."
I can't take it anymore. I just. Can't. Take it.
I try to be understanding, but I am having difficulty maintining much of an interest in what Muslims are "offended" by.
Seriously, what the hell aren't they "offended," "humiliated," or "outraged" by?
Given that parts of the Muslim world sided with Adolf Hitler in WWII, and Mein Kampff remains popular bedtime reading in the Muslim world ("the feel-good genocide manifesto of the summer!" raves Sheik Ahmad al-Rachman), perhaps the Brits ought to stop celebrating their victory in WWII, too.
Thanks to cutaway.