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Today's Lessons from the Sage of Minnesota »
September 08, 2005
Lessons in Ubiquity
Just read the first paragraph.
It is everywhere.
Resistance is futile.
(Just an aside: Who were the Borg supposed to be, anyway? The Soviets, or Microsoft Corp.?)
UPDATE: Pixy Misa corrects;
Sorry to derail everyone's rant, but if you read the whole thing rather than just the first paragraph, you find that the writer is using "middle class" to describe mid-range-earning movies - grossing between $100 and $150 million. The point being that there have been no movies in that bracket this year, just blockbusters (over $150 million) and flops (less than $100 million).
Nothing to do with leftism, classism, racism, stupidism, or anything-else-ism. Just box-office receipts.
Two things:
1. What part of "Just read the first paragraph" don't you understand??
2. Thanks. Guess I'm going to have to not be a hack. That kind of hurts.
Remember, its the MSM that has the layers of fact checking. Blogs don't, so they're dangerous.
posted by Laura. at
10:56 PM
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