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September 08, 2005
Totally, Totally Wonderful
Karl Rove does it again.
WHO: Katrina Evacuees and MoveOn members
WHAT: Protest outside the White House in support of Hurricane Victims
WHEN: Thursday, September 8th at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Pennsylvania Avenue NW. In front of the White House. (Metro: Red Line: Farragut North. Blue-Orange Line: Farragut West or McPherson Square)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Excellent Visuals -- Signs reading "Shame" and "Help Hurricane Victims"
Can it be any better to be a conservative nowadays?
Karl, I tremble in the presence of your power.
Karl, You are truly the agent of Satan.
Karl, I fucking love you man!
Thanks to anonymous.

posted by Laura. at
09:53 AM
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