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July 29, 2005
Collect The Set: All Four London Bombing Suspects Nabbed
I'm sure dogmatic libertarian-types will now tell us that security-cameras do nothing to combat terrorism, because...
Traffic Non-Santa made a fuss over the fact that cameras didn't do anything to dissaude the bombers from attacking. I wonder if he'll acknowledge they seem to have done an awful lot to keep them from committing their would-have-been next attack.
There are several justifications for punishing criminals, among them deterrence and incapacitation (you can't commit crimes against society when you're exiled from society). Cameras are justified for the same reasons; they can either deter or lead to incapacitation.
Granted, there's no deterrence (or at least not enough to have prevented this), but cameras do seem to have lead directly towards incapacitation.
I don't expect the dogmatic libertarian Anti-Lighthouse Brigades to reverse their positions, but it would be nice to read their explanation as to why they're sticking by their guns.