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July 28, 2005
Milennium Plot Terrorist Gets 22 Years; 13 Short of the Max
And he could be out by 2020.
The arrogant liberal judge (a Regan appointee, I have to note) said he "wrestled" with the proper sentence, balancing the harm intended (mass murder) against... something else. "Cooperation," which the terrorist cut off after at time.
Wrestled with it?
Wrestled with what, exactly?
The man planned to murder scores of innocent civilians. He has absolutely nothing to mitigate his guilt. Why was he not sentenced to the absolute maxium?
What would it take to get a tough sentence out of this judge?
Oh yeah: Hugh Hewitt tells us. Montana Militiamen -- nasty pieces of work, no doubt, who conspired against the nation's banking system -- got a longer sentence (by one half a year) than this guy.
As if that isn't bad enough, this strutting peacock of a softheaded jackass then goes on to lecture us about military trials and the need to bring terrorists into civilian courts.
Uh-huh. You certainly made a point about civilian courts, though not the one you intended.