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Quote of the Day »
July 27, 2005
"Moderate" British Imam: Let's Keep An Open Mind; How Do We Know Four Dead Muslim Suspects Were Bombers Rather Than Victims?
Apparently the word "moderate" is as elastic with respect to imams as it is with respect to Democratic politicians:
A press conference organised by the city council took an unexpected twist when the chairman of Birmingham central mosque, Mohammad Naseem, who is known as a moderate voice, attacked the way the bombings investigation had been carried out.
Dr Naseem said the government had given the impression Muslims were to be targeted. "Why do we not have an open mind about this?" he asked. "Terrorists can be anybody."
He had seen no evidence Muslims were responsible for the bombings and attempted attacks. He claimed the four men killed among others on July 7 could have been innocent passengers.
"Terrorists can be anybody." Uh huh.
This just in: six Iowan schoolgirls from the 4H Club -- "the Female Youth Group of Peace" (TM) -- abducted and beheaded a Jewish reporter today, proclaiming that further "infidels" would be "executed" until the Des Moines minor-league baseball team changes its name to the Rainbow Unicorns.
More like the "Religion of Cognitive Dissonance" if you ask me.
Thanks to Checkers McBamp.