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Watchin' The Internet Detectives �
July 26, 2005
Theo Van Gogh Eulogized By Blog
Peaktalk has a nice reminder that Van Gogh wasn't just a victim of Islamist lunacy, but a passionate and interesting person.
His killer -- the guy who told his grieving family he had no remorse whatsoever, nor any sympathy for them -- was sentenced to life without parole, which is a difficult trick. Hard to get that kind of sentence in Holland.
Roger L. Simon notes that Hollywood still is entirely ignoring the butchering of one of their own. Not even a mention of the killer's sentencing in the town's industry-paper, Variety.
But I'm sure everyone is talking about Jane Fonda's Peace Bus, fueled by vegetable oil.
I don't think these are bad people. Terrorists and terroristy-sympathizers are of course monsters; but terrorist-deniers are just... well, addled.
There is simply no room in their worldview for vicious terrorists that must be hunted down and killed like the animals they are. They oppose violence, particularly violence committed "in their name," and so they must deny the existence of any evil that would make that brutish step necessary.
As they say, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all the world looks like the nail.
And on the other hand: when you have expressly denied the need for hammers, and when you sing Kumbaya songs all day about how great it would be if all hammers were beaten into plowshares, then nothing in the world looks like a nail, and anything displaying nail-like qualities must be studiously ignored and driven out of your mind as quickly as possible.
Thanks for the links to Traffic Non-Santa.