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July 25, 2005
First Muslim British Lord Says 99% of British Muslims Oppose Terrorism; Ignores Recent Poll Showing 17% of British Muslims Believe The Bombings Partially Or Completely Justified
(Audio clip from NPR.) I suppose some will claim there's a distinction between "supporting" terrorism and "merely believing terrorism to be justified," but that seems to be slicing the baloney pretty thin to me.
Thanks to American Barbarian.
Update: A poll of British Muslims indicates that 17% (admit that they) think the bombings were either completely (6%) partially (11%) justified.
24% express sympathy for the bombers, splitting about equally between a lot and a little bit of sympathy.
I'm sorry, but that's just a little bit more "sass" from the British Muslim community than I believe acceptable.
Thanks for the poll to The Warden.