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July 20, 2005
"Kill Him"
Last entry in Ruffini's rundown of reactions; posted over at (where else?) Kos, but then deleted.
Occasionally I play net-nanny and ask commenters to be restrained in their rhetoric. I guess I will do so again.
Please refrain from nasty homophobic attacks, racist attacks on Muslims (please differentiate between Islamofascists and just plain Muslims), suggesting that "maybe Hitler went after the wrong people," suggesting that liberals (as opposed to liberalISM) be "eradicated," etc.
Comments like that make this site, and the entire conservative movement, look pretty bad. They reflect poorly on me and don't do much to convince moderates to side with us.
And, if we're busily patrolling the Kosmonauts for their unhinged and nasty rhetoric, it's a bit hypocritical to engage in it ourselves.
So... you can make your points in less heated and hateful terms, and it's both more polite and politic to do so as well.
None of this applies to Cedarford, of course. Quite frankly, I've come to appreciate his anti-Jew screeds. It's amusing to me that 2% of the American population (and much less of the world population) can be responsible for so much evil.
Jews are like the Drow ("Dark Elves"), I guess, except with yarmulkes instead of those cool one-handed poisoned crossbows.
Wait-- no, not the Drow. They're not evil or crafty enough. Mind flayers!

Magical Powers: Psionic blast, Suggestion, Hypnotism, Power Word: Stun.
Magic Items: A blessed dreidl; the phone number for Dr. Stanley Kornbluth, the best damn internist in Manhattan.
Funny Exchange... On Roberts' nomination:
"Felonious:" Sounds like he'll be another corporate lapdog like all of bushes appointments. Just what the country needs, another suit.
LauraW: Yeah, he should have put a cool hippy type in the HIGHEST FUCKING COURT IN THE LAND, you drooling halfwit.
Shouldn't you be cleaning your bong?
Note to Felonious: Lawyers wear suits. Let me cite L.A. Law, seasons 1 through 8.
One time I hired a lawyer who wore an old ratty Ocean Pacific long-sleeved tee-shirt (I think it had a picture of a guy surfing on a shark's back) and tie-dyed culottes.
I spent the next three years in the joint.
So, you know: You can't judge a book by its cover, but if your attorney takes his fashion cues from Delgrassi Junior High, you might want to seek alternative representation.