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July 16, 2005
Margaret Cho Names Dog For "Chic" Terrorist
This vile terrorist-sympathizer muses:
[My new dog] Gudrun is named after the infamous Gudrun Ensslin who was the female leader of the Baader-Meinhof Gang, an art terrorist group from the 70s. Terrorism was different then. It had a chicness to it, which made it seem less like a dangerous menace and more like fashion.
Margaret Cho seems less like a comedian and more like a lunatic who has wrested a microphone away from a street-preacher.
"Art terrorism." Huh.
A while ago I wrote (on a forum) that I had always had trouble believing Batman stories where, for example, the Joker ran for mayor and nearly won. Or did win.
Ridiculous, I thought. There's no way that anyone would support a psychopathic terrorist -- and I think the Joker qualifies for that description -- for any public office, even in the comic books.
And then, after 9-11, came those who called the mass-murder of nearly 2800 innocent, unarmed civilians a work of art. And defended, or at least engaged in apologetics for, that mass-slaughter.
The Joker thought in those terms, too.
It's sick... but it's undeniably true. There are those in the world -- and they're not an insignificant minority -- who genuinely support mass-murderers.
Especially if they have a bit of "chicness" to them.
This analogy isn't as silly or glib as it might sound. Who didn't think, upon seeing the towers fall, "This can't be real... this is like some absurd comic book" or "This isn't reality, this is just a James Bond movie"?
There are some who are so shallow -- and frankly anti-human -- that they actually elevate a bit of charisma or style or theatrics above the core human value that human life shall not be viciously stolen away.
When I was younger, I thought it was crazy, a silly comic-book plot contrivance. Now that I'm older and wiser and much sicker about it all.

"Art terrorism." "Chicness." Killing people as artistic expression. Murder in the service of fashion.
How far have some sunk, and how much further is there to fall?
Thanks to the Divine Miss M, who has more on an important story I never got to, the Court of Appeals ruling that military tribunals satisfy the requirement of a "competent tribunal," overturning a liberal lower-court ruling.
Ridiculous Fiction Is Now Reality: And let's not forget something else I initially thought absurd. James Bond's arch-nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld was, in between acting as an Al-Qaeda-ish terrorist (save without the religious/racial motivation), a well-respected head of a charity relief agency for the aid and repatriation of political refugees.
Again, when I was younger and more innocent, I thought that was just plain dumb. Now I know better.