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July 12, 2005
Hugh Hewitt Today On Hoist The Black Flag
Hugh Hewitt will be our guest today on Hoist The Black Flag.
We'll be talking to him about his book Blog: Understanding the Information Revolution That's Changing Your World, the London bombings and suicide political correctness, whether there's any hope that reasonable liberals will finally put Bush hatred out of mind and recognize the real enemy we all face, and whatever else we thing of.
He's a pro, obviously, and I'm really just hoping he'll interview us.
At 4PM Eastern. Click the above graphic at four and look for "Now Playing-- Channel One."
Oh, and do call in at 866-884-TALK. Hugh will be on during the last half of the show, so we'll be taking calls both during our recap of the news in the beginning and later for Hugh. But mostly in the beginning this time, I think.