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July 06, 2005
Judith Miller Ordered To Jail... And Other Things I Don't Care About
She's doing, I think, the right thing.
Reporters shouldn't have the right to defy judges' orders... but then, they can, as Miller appears ready to do, accept the sanction for defying them. The same as any other American.
What are we talking about here? We're talking about several months in jail; she'll be freed when the grand jury wraps up its investigation, supposedly in October.
It's not the worst thing to ever happen to someone. And it's not as if her jailing will be cause for shame. Quite the opposite-- she'll be praised for having the courage of her convictions, and, I think, rightly so.
And, let's face it, she'll get a book-deal out of it, and it will sell better than it otherwise would because it will be filled with details of her (not so onerous) ordeal.
Four months in the slammer gives you plenty of time to write.
I should be so lucky.