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June 30, 2005
Racist Slur Flies In Pennsylvania Legislature
Fortunately, it was just a bit of anti-white racism, so there's no story here:
Rep. Thomas Yewcic, who is white, said people shouldn't be ashamed to support the American flag. "If any ethnic group wants to fly ... a flag, and they're embarrassed to fly an American flag, they should go back to their ethnic origins and fly it there," he said.
In response, Rep. John Myers accused Yewcic of espousing "a belligerent, racist doctrine."
"I think that those type of remarks would come from a cracker," Myers said, using a derogatory term for a poor, white person.
I guess I have trouble actually being "outraged" or "sickened" by this gob-smackingly vile statement, but two obvious points:
1) You'll never hear about this again. I don't think this should merit page one coverage, but you won't even see it on Page 24. There will be no further media mentions or questioning of this jagoff.
2) Those who profess so much concern about racism really ought to not to practice it themselves. I would think this wouldn't even need stating, but I guess it does.
Thanks to NickS, via Michelle Malkin.