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June 29, 2005
Something I Should Have Gotten Corrected On In Yesterday's Show
As a commenter pointed out, the fallen hero whose burial was so viciously tainted by "FAG BODY BAG" placards was not, in fact, even gay.
Fred Phelps and his merry band of morons just think that this sort of horrific acting-up is a good way to advance the cause of getting all the homos (even the closeted ones) out of the military.
Yeahp. That should enlist public opinion on your side, Fred. When they're not dreaming of PR campaigns like this, they're smoking Meershaum pipes in their basement lab-or-atories splittin' atoms.
Karol argued on the show yesterday that this guy wasn't "of the right," which is a fair point, although I think a semantic one. Obviously he's not part of the mainstream, or even close to mainstream, conservative movement or GOP. How do you characterize extremist folks like this? As I personally lump in the lefty nasties with the left generally, it would be inconsistent of me to argue too strenuously he's not somewhere on the right.
But, you know -- he is a Democrat.