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June 13, 2005
Perhaps Live8 Won't Be A Bad Idea After All. [Dave at Garfield Ridge]
I've been pretty harsh on the motives behind the upcoming Live8 charity concerts.
I haven't reconsidered my stance-- they are still a cheap way of assuaging rich white guilt for ignoring the dark continent.
However, I must admit, they scored quite a coup for their London concert:
Pink Floyd is reuniting for Live8.
How. Cool. Is. That?
Sigh. If only Sting could get The Police back together for the night.
Alright, open thread: your dream concert, five acts, any time period, in any venue.
My submission:
1. Bruce Springsteen, Nebraska era (everything after this was downhill)
2. Metallica, . . . And Justice For All era (everything after this was a different band)
3. Van Halen, Diver Down era (ditto)
4. Nirvana, just before they released Nevermind.
5. The Beatles, had they taken Lorne Michaels' offer.
Venue? The Stone Pony, Asbury Park, New Jersey.
I'll admit, it probably wouldn't flow together all that great, but damn it, I'd have a great time.
[Cross-posted over at Garfield Ridge]