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June 13, 2005
"Forsake the Troops" Twat Gets Cybersex-Spoofed? [Ace]
Disclaimer, as usual: I don't know if this really is the guy behind the Forsake the Troops site (a site devoted to the idea that we should, yeah, forsake the troops), but a link found by SondraK says it is. The link SondraK provides is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, as it's a cybersex chat session, and even, I guess, contains a picture of what is purported to be this idiot's penis.
It's pretty embarassing. And funny.
A phone number is mentioned in the link. As usual, I strongly urge against personal harassment of anyone, no matter how vicious their ideas.
Actually, I guess I'm against this sort of thing too, although it is funny. I'm always worried about this myself. Every once in a while I'll get an email from someone claiming to be a female fan and telling me how much she'd like to meet me or whatnot (by "whatnot," I mean have sex), and I'm always excessively formal, because I'm always convinced it's a liberal dude troll trying to bait me into flirting or saying something embarassing.
So in response to a dirty-kinky email, I'm always like, "Jeepers, thanks for reading! I am very flattered that you enjoy the Ace of Spades site. It's great to have dedicated, shaved teenage-whore readers like yourself."
Which is pretty lame, but hey, check out what happens if you're not careful. Not very pretty.