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June 12, 2005
Illegal Immigration Update
by Zelda of The Urban Grind
Finally a bit of good news!
A ballsy New England police chief is taking a novel approach to the illegal alien problem in his district. He's charging them with trespassing.
As usual, the Mexican government, the ACLU and the open borders crowd are not pleased. Mexico, in its infinite capacity for "chutzpah" has hired a lawyer to defend the illegals. And the ACLU is crying racism:
"They worry about vigilante police chiefs who will round up people based on the color of their skin."
Sorry Aztlanistas but illegal is illegal, and I don't care if you're black, brown, green, purple or white!
"The $64,000 question is why these police chiefs are doing this," said state Rep. Hector M. Velez (D), who was born in Pennsylvania and served in Operation Desert Storm before moving to Manchester, about 20 miles northeast of New Ipswich. "They talk terrorism, but none of these guys were looking for anything except hard work. You ask me, some people are afraid of the unknown."
That bastion of honesty and objectivity (sarcasm intended) The New York Times has also chipped in with a sob story of an illegal alien turned minister from Nigeria who was imprisoned for chauferring a drug dealer and now faces the possibility of deportation.
Let me try and make it very simple for this fifth columnist, (And spare me about having served in the military. That doesn't automatically confer the right to be a moonbat forever thereafter) who would no doubt LOVE for a "reconquista" to happen this very minute.
Speaking as the daughter of *legal* immigrants, as I see it, Americans want their country's laws and sovereignty respected. They don't want their public schools stretched thin with the children of people who shouldn't be in this country to begin with. They don't want to see workers wages artificially depressed when companies pay illegals substandard wages with no benefits. They don't want their taxes increased to have to bail out hospitals that have gone bankrupt treating illegals with all sorts of dreadfull diseases. Nor do they want to pay incarceration costs for those that come here and commit vicious crimes. Finally, there is the very important issue of wanting good productive people coming to this country who want to be Americans.
I remember a job I worked at many years ago, when I had a conversation with the personnel lady. This woman was the daughter of Hungarian immigrants who were very grateful for the opportunity to live in this country and build a better life for themselves. They wanted so much to assimilate. So much so that they forbade this woman (as a young girl) to speak Hungarian at home. It was to be English and English only. But nowadays, I never hear of that kind of thing, which is unfortunate.
But still, in other good news, the Minutemen are expanding their operations to both our Northern and Southern borders. It's about time they did, since our government's response to this problem has been wimpy at best. I mean, what Mexican, who has taken the trouble to sneak across our border will want be voluntarily repatriated to Mexico City? And there are plenty of loopholes as well:
Both countries have agreed to remove and accept up to 300 illegal aliens per day, with only Mexican nationals eligible to participate. Apprehended illegal aliens with felony convictions will not be allowed to take part in the program, and those who are included cannot be separated from their family members.
If the entire family does not wish to participate, then no one in the family will be eligible, Mr. Villarreal said, adding that unaccompanied minors also will not be allowed to participate in the program.
Just plain toothless!