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June 10, 2005
The Left's Preoccupation With Social Class in America
Update - Sorry! I keep forgetting to sign posts. I haven't guest blogged in a while.
Zelda of The Urban Grind
In my view, the American left is very fixated on equality of outcome. In other words, if the numbers of minority or female firemen, teachers or doctors is lower than that of their white male counterparts, it's all about racism, sexism, or the poor not being given a chance.
Never mind that people have different values, goals, skills and interests. If some people are rich, and some poor, that's a BAD thing. Nor do they take into account that people starting out in their careers, fresh out of school make less money than those with more years in the workforce.
Thomas Sowell puts this whole class thing into perspective here and here.
Meanwhile while I'm on the subject of liberals and how they wish to minimize differences in social class, Devvy Kid has an interesting commentary about how this country is gradually becoming a socialist welfare state.
Interesting stuff.