« Guest Bloggers! (Ace Needs a Break) |
Hoke Has the Con (with occasional Spocks, Sulus and Matt Deckers) »
June 09, 2005
Hello Again [Say Anything]
As you can see from the post below Ace has asked me and a few other bloggers to fill in for him while he's away attending to a family emergency. From his description of me you'd think that I'm some sort of porn blogger. I'm not. Really I'm just the sort of guy who's not afraid to take on the really controversial topics. Like embarrassing nude photos and Presidential family nipple slips. I've also done some nice work in transcending the cat blogging meme that has been so popular on the blogosphere for the last couple of years. Basically, I took good idea and made it my own.
By the way, the link above goes to lots and lots of pictures of scantily clad babes. Ace told me I had to warn you guys when I do that.
Anyway, I'll probably be putting up a couple of posts a day along with everybody else. Unlike Ace, I'm not very funny, but I do usually link to some interesting stuff.
If you'd like to visit my blog you can find it here.