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June 03, 2005
Shock: Democrats Took Lots of Money From DeLay Donor, Too
It's nice to see the Washington Post acknoweldge it.
I don't imagine there'll be much follow-up, but at least it's on the record.
Does this make the DeLay donations right?
Well, it's not quite right, I guess, if you're a goo-goo (good government) type. But it does seem to be the ordinary course of business. You may not like that sort of business, but you can't claim that DeLay is breaking "rules."
The "rules," such as they are, is that you can take a whole lot of money from lobbyists so long as you never expressly promise them a favor in return for it. Not a difficult rule to follow, and one that invites corruption through winking, but it is the rule.
And it's the rule that Mssrs. Reid, Daschle, and Gephardt followed as well.