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May 27, 2005
Kelsey Grammer Confirmed for "Beast" in X-Men 3; Topher Grace and Thomas Hayden Church To Play Heavies in Spiderman 3
As I've said, Grammer is perfect for the Beast's intellectual side. All the nimbleness and stuff can be faked or trained; I don't think Rebecca Romaijn was a master martial-artist before her turn as Mystique, either.
Church is rumored to be playing one of Spidey's lamer villains, The Sandman. The Sandman was the original villian in James Cameron's "scriptment" (script/treatment) for the original. Why he keeps popping up in these pre-script brainstorming sessions I don't know; okay, he can turn to sand, big f'n' deal.
The only worse Spidey villain is Hydroman (who can turn into... water) or maybe the useless Vulture.
One of Spiderman's cooler foes, The Shocker, never seems to get mentioned by anyone, even though he looks cool and has cool powers.
Topher might be playing anyone, from Venom (no way) to Mysterio to Electro.
I say Electro. And I say let Church play Mysterio. He's got the voice for it. Anyone remember Mysterio's voice from the old good Spiderman cartoon? I think Church could do that.
Thanks to Chickpea.