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May 03, 2005
eBay, the Sixth Seal of the Apocalypse
For all of you obsessed with the Jennifer Wilbanks Runaway Bride story-- and I know I'm not -- you can now buy her gift registry and a piece of toast alleged to contain her face amidst the scorched bread.
In a year or two, that sort of memorabilia could be worth... nothing. Same as it's worth now, actually.
So it's a good investment. No downside, you see.
Thanks to LauraW.
"Crazy eBay Mom:" very sad. This woman's house is crammed, floor to ceiling, with crap that she's buying off eBay.
I liked this part:
Those buttplug looking things on the monitor are old glass insulators they used to use on telegraph and telephone lines. I'm assured they also are quite valuable.
It's the electronic-marketplace equivalent of having nineteen cats, three of which are named "Clay" after your American Idol fave Clay Aiken.
Thanks to Yukari.