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April 29, 2005
Islamist Update: Bin Ladin Not Quite Dead
The website which first floated the rumor that Bin Ladin had joined the bleedin' choir invisible now says he's not dead at all.
The entry on www.islam-minbar.net Web site began by saying there was news bin Laden had died but went on to say he was alive but, as a human being, could die any time and that Muslims should be prepared for that when it happens.
The unidentified author seemed to be trying to draw readers to his posting with a headline that bin Laden was dead.
London-based Islamist activist Yasser al-Serri, who monitors Web sites, said bin Laden “is alive” and was believed to have recently recorded a new video tape which may be on its way for broadcasting.
“The headline of the posting did create confusion, but I believe the person who posted it wanted to urge Muslim youths to continue jihad (holy war) even if bin Laden died,” Serri told Reuters by telephone from London.
I'm shaken. If you can't trust Islamofascist websites and/or Reuters, who can you trust anymore?
Correction: "Choir" invisible, not "crowd" invisible, I'm instructed by geeks who probably should know.
This is the problem with running a geek-friendly moronblog. These sonsabitches know everything about everything nerdy.
No matter how nerdy you think you are, there's always someone nerdier lookin' to take your ass out. It's like the Wild West, only with very pale guys who couldn't score in a monkey whorehouse with a wheelbarrow full of bananas.