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April 27, 2005
Ted Kennedy Celebrates Abu Ghraib Anniversary By Getting Drunk, Removing Pants In Palm Beach Restaurant
Well, not really, but he did use the word "torture" 38 times.
Arthur Cherenkoff notes he didn't have much to say on the good anniversaries:
Senator Edward Kennedy didn't have anything to say on 19 March, the second anniversary of the start of the liberation of Iraq. In fact, he kept quiet until two days later, only to talk about President Bush's judicial appointments. Senator Kennedy didn't have anything to say on 9 April, the second anniversary of the liberation of Baghdad and the end of Saddam's regime. In fact, he kept quiet until the following day, when he spoke on the occasion of receiving a community award.
"Avenue B Alum" suggests that as long as we're noting anniversaries, we ought to note this one, coming up July 19th. Ted Kennedy's own version of PT-109 of course, but not quite fit for Profiles in Courage.
Thanks to the very good Hotline Blogometer for the LGF and Cherenkoff tips.
And yet still no Ace of Spades. Douchebag.