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April 26, 2005
Frist To "Compromise" On Filibusters/Judges?
In exchange for two lower-court nominees going through, Frist agrees to not attempt to end further judicial filibusters?
Is this a joke?
"someone" points out that this seems to be leaking by Democrats, and just because Harry Reid has "offered" this generous deal doesn't mean Frist is so stupid or gutless to take it... but if Frist does agree to a "compromise" so ludicrously one-sided....
In related news, millions of voters just agreed to "compromise" with the GOP. The compromise involves us voters sitting home on our ass next election day while playing Wheel of Fortune drinking games (drink when anyone asks to buy a vowel; chug if that vowel turns out to be "F") and then giggling as we watch Republican ex-Congressmen figure out how to make an honest living.
Bill Frist For President
In the War on Terror, we need someone tough enough to grab his ankles for Harry Reid. Because that shows real fire and guts-- not for nothing does Harry Reid call his dork "The Widowmaker."
MAJOR UPDATE FROM A WELL-PLACED SOURCE: Deep Stoat, now in a position to know about the thinking of Republican Senators, writes to say:
Ace, I don’t think you have to worry about a GOP “compromise” that will not include up-or-down votes on all nominees that are reported out of the Judiciary committee. The talk about compromise is meant to underscore Frist’s (and the GOP’s) willingness to do everything they can to avoid changing Senate rules. In other words, it’s political posturing. I believe that Frist is trying to lay the groundwork for the actual showdown in the Senate. “I’ve done everything possible to avoid this. I offered compromise after compromise, but we now have no other options.” You get the picture. As far as I can tell, the constitutional option may be invoked as early as the week after next. This thing is going to happen.