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April 25, 2005
Useless Gesture: Bush To Jawbone Saudis Over Oil
At least he can say he "did something," which is 90% of politics.
I'm having trouble deciding who I'm more annoyed with-- people who hate SUV's, or people who own SUV's.
I have nothing against SUV's, I guess... except, you know, everyone seems to have forgotten about previous gas-price spikes, and decided that gas would be cheap forever, and so they bought these Asphalt Yachts and now they're complicit in giving the Saudis leverage over us.
I don't believe in regulating people's personal choices. But that would be an easier position to take were people's personal choices not so frequently stupid and short-sighted.
People are buying more gas-efficient cars now... but the price of oil will fall again, and then the next big craze will SAMT's-- Suburban Avenger Monster Trucks.