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April 23, 2005
Another Stunner: Chris Matthews Doesn't Like the Church, Either
RCL sends:
MATTHEWS: You want the numbers? Sixty percent of American Catholics want women to become priests.'
MATTHEWS: Allowed to become. Sixty-five percent want priests to marry; 65%. And everybody I know in my church where I go thinks that...
From an exchange between Chris Matthews and Susan Molinari
Matthews isn't doing so well in the ratings, either:
Matthews, a onetime aide to Jimmy Carter and Tip O'Neill, isn't sure why "Hardball" ratings -- the program is averaging 379,000 viewers -- are down by about two-thirds from their late-1990s peak...."You walk down Fifth Avenue, people come up and say they love me."
From a profile in Peace Corps Online. Man, Matthews will never let us forget he's a 1) good Catholic 2) former cop 3) former aide to Tip O'Neill 4) former Peace Corps draft dodger selfless volunteer 5) crusading liberal crapweasel.
Captain's Quarters makes the obvious, but necessary, point:
The quote regarding his confusion over his dismal ratings when everyone on NY's Fifth Avenue loves him was widely mocked, demonstrating his constricted, rarefied world view from the Upper East Side elitist cocoon (reminiscent "of the cluelessness of Pauline Kael, who exclaimed her disbelief about Nixon's landslide re-election: "No one I know voted for him!")
And finally, RCL offers his own take:
Could you imagine the blow to the Church if both [He Who Shall Not Be Named] AND Matthews were to act their conscience and leave the Faith? The Church would be rudderless, having nothing but millennial-old tradition and doctrine, and the beliefs of mere (slightly over) 1 billion faithful to sustain it.
Frightening times indeed.
Without doubt, a grave danger for the Church. I hope they realize the terrible, reckless gamble they're taking.
Politics makes whores of us all, it is said.
But it's worse than that. "Whores," well, that's understandable.
But politics makes blithering idiots out of a lot of us, and that's less forgivable.