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April 22, 2005
In Case You Missed It: Nuclear Option Remains Only a MAD Threat
I was very late in seeing this story; gee, I really ought to try reading some blogs sometime, huh?
Rick Santorum wants do delay attempting the "nuclear option" to break filibusters, based on bad polling:
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), a leading advocate of the “nuclear option” to end the Democrats’ filibuster of judicial nominees, is privately arguing for a delay in the face of adverse internal party polls.
Details of the polling numbers remain under wraps, but Santorum and other Senate sources concede that, while a majority of Americans oppose the filibuster, the figures show that most also accept the Democratic message that Republicans are trying to destroy the tradition of debate in the Senate.
The Republicans are keeping the “nuclear” poll numbers secret, whereas they have often in the past been keen to release internal survey results that favor the party. David Winston, head of the Winston Group, which conducts Senate GOP polls, did return phone calls seeking comment.
Confirming public disquiet over the “nuclear” or “constitutional” option, Santorum said, “Our polling shows that.” But, he added, public thinking had been muddied by what he called false Democratic arguments that checks and balances were being eroded.
Santorum’s raising of reasons that Republicans should delay the constitutional option may surprise conservative activists who count him as one of the most passionate advocates for the tactic in the Senate.
“There is no doubt that Santorum was the backbone of this from the very beginning, and he continues to be,” said Manuel Miranda, head of the National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters, an alliance of more than 200 conservative groups working on the judges issue.
Many Republicans and conservative activists had thought the Senate GOP leadership would trigger the tactic next week to end the judicial filibuster. The nominees considered most appropriate for such a historic procedural maneuver, Priscilla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown, are expected to be discharged from the Judiciary Committee later this week.
I never really thought they'd have the stones to do it.
The only reason I thought they might is because the current situation is simply intolerable, and they must realize there will be a mighty political price to be paid for inaction.
The Republican Party
Because if you're stupid enough to keep voting for us for no good reason, we're smart enough to continue providing you with no good reasons for doing so.
Outside the Beltway tries to be understanding about this.
Captain's Quarters doesn't.
Thanks again to The National Journal's Blogometer... sure wish I knew the URL.