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April 19, 2005
A Necessary Re-Linking
This cannot be helped. Sorry.
Over at future co-host Karol's site, Dowtown Lad (please don't give him traffic; be a sport, huh?) is, in the comments, once again accusing me of being homophobic.
His evidence for this?
1, I accuse Andrew Sullivan of being hyperemotional, which is a stereotype used to mock gays.
Well, it's true-- I do accuse him of that. But it's not my fault that Sullivan has chosen to make himself into a stereotype. If the man is going to use the most egregiously hyperbolic language to express his "outrage" at everything under the sun, what am I to do? Pretend he's as laconic as Clint Eastwood on hashish?
Every hysterically-emotional word I used in my parodies comes straight from Sullivan's keyboard, as I demonstrate here.
2, he whines that one post is titled "Andrew Sullivan is an Ass," and you know, writing "ass" within ten words of the name of a known homosexual means that you're, you know, talking about homo-stuff.
Well, for one thing, that title comes straight from the Professor Bainbridge article I'm linking there.
For another thing, when I want to make a sodomy joke, I know how to do so, as longtime readers of this site can well attest.
The Ace of Spades Tolerance-Towards-Gay-Men Guarantee
I've got nothing against gay men. I just wouldn't want them marrying my daughters.
Why no similar statement about lesbians?
Does any straight guy really have to make this sort of a declaration about lesbians? Come on. Straight guys love lesbians. If only that love weren't so painfully unrequited.
Columbo Says "Oh there's just one more thing..." Update: I'm not the only one who's noticed that Andrew is, let us say, a bit high-strung. Don Luskin, I think, first pointed it out, and I realized he was right-- and this was in the days of "Good Conservative Andrew." But I still knew that Luskin was right to point out that, in between hectoring people about civility, Sullivan employs the most emotionally-charged language and nasty ad hominem attacks.
And "Excitable Andy" was not coined by me. I wish I'd that one to my credit. Nope, that was the work of the notorious homophobe Mickey Kaus.
"I'm not making this stuff up."*