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April 11, 2005
Barack and Byrd: A Sitcom Waiting to Happen
A lot of liberals questioned ol' Ace's posting of a fundraising letter written by Barack Obama in support of Robert Byrd (D - 12th division of WV Night Riders).
Well, I had a pretty good source for that. A very partisan source, to be sure, but a source that does all sorts of opposition research, if you know what I mean.
At any rate, this Chicago Sun Times article confirms the Obama letter:
"Senator Robert Byrd was one of the first senators I met with when I came to the Senate three months ago,'' Obama wrote in an e-mail sent out on behalf of the political action committee run by MoveOn.Org, the liberal advocacy group.
"Senator Byrd understands the history, the importance and the role Senate plays in our government -- at 87 years old, he's the most senior senator. He has spoken out passionately against a Bush foreign policy that has alienated our allies throughout the world. Today, he is fighting an attempt by Republicans to change the 200-year-old rules of the Senate that would allow Republicans to ram federal judges through the Senate with no regard for what others might say. Above all, Robert Byrd understands just how sacred the Constitution of our country truly is and fights every day to protect it.''
And it's paying off big-time, as the man says:
Obama's March 29 online letter to 3.1 million MoveOn.Org members, along with a note by MoveOn.Org executive director Eli Pariser, raised more than $500,000 after just nine hours online. By the time the special appeal was ended March 31, a total of $834,000 was collected.
Football Fans for Truth has some fun matching up quotations from the Democratic Party's Odd Couple.
Chances are they don't agree on the advisability of "dying a thousand times" rather than seeing our country becoming "degraded by race mongrels."
Which calls to mind (my lazy, re-posting mind, at least) Top Ten NBA All-Time Greats, According to Senator Robert Byrd.
Vintage Porn Bonus: No, really vintage porn. I'm talking pornographic clay sculptures from the Neolithic Age.
You know the good thing about Neolithic Age pornographic clay sculptures?
No implants. And also: No Ron Jeremy.