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April 07, 2005
There's This Liberal Friend I Have...
Taking a page (or at least eight column-inches) from Art Buchwald, The Waterglass attempts to understand the liberal mindset by inventing a straw-man and then putting all sorts of ludicrous claims in his mouth.
Why isn't The Waterglass on the WaPo opinion page, too?
PS, a "liberal friend" I just made up -- Whiney McBleedingheart, his name is -- just told me that the two things most important to him in the upcoming Hillary! administration were 1) developing and marketing "a car that runs on love" and 2) drive-through abortions.
So that's what liberals are really all about. And my sources on this are impeccable. And by "sources," I mean the frightening voices in my head telling me to do all sorts of terrible things to people and property, horrors involving "gasoline and rags" and "fishing tackle."