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April 07, 2005
The Ace of Spades Guarantee: I Will Never Leave You Again
Wow, it's good to be back. I'm off the pipe, I've had my first shower in three days, and I'm rarin' to get back to blogging. Life is good... even if that idiot Hoke is still around.
Let me just apologize for/explain this Prank That Was Never Intended to Be.
I never wanted to do a "retirement prank." I threw out a joke in the Lauren Bush about retiring, which I imagined was so silly that no one would take it seriously.
But then I didn't post for a while, and when I came back to the computer, Instapundit had linked the post. I don't know how he saw the post, but trust me, I didn't email him with a "tip."
Anyway, at that point I figured, hey, I better do some sort of dumb off-the-cuff retirement riff, or else Instapundit would feel burned and he'd never link me again.
Plus, I always wanted to do a David Letterman-esque "Say You, Say Me" goodbye song, and so I was stalling until See-Dubya could finish his medley. I couldn't really end the prank before he was done.
If it seemed like this "prank" wasn't very well thought-out and sort of slapdash-- well, it wasn't thought out, and it was slapdash. I was scrambling to make something out of nothing. I had no plans. As Benecio Del Toro said in The Way of the Gun: "I don't think we're 'plans' types of guys."
I worried that people were taking this seriously and getting mad about it-- as the South Park guys found out, no one likes a joke played on themselves -- so I tried to let everyone know in comments by "Smitty" and through emails (if they asked) that no, it was just a big goof, and I wasn't going anywhere.
And no, t-shirts had nothing to do with it.
Anyway, for those who said nice things and asked me to keep on blogging-- thank you. That was the best part of this prank-that-wasn't-supposed-to-be.
And I hope there's no hard feelings. I didn't really set out to do a cheap Morning-Zoo-DJ stunt; it just sort of happened. Cheap DJ stunts apparently just sort of happen to me. I'm blessed that way, I guess.
PS: People have thought that Hoke wasn't a real guy, just a "character" I was doing. Well, he is real, and he's posting here today, and posted here yesterday.
However, as I wanted to post yesterday but couldn't do so under the "Ace" name, as I was, uhh, "retired," he gave me permission to post under his name.
Sort of an Andy Kaufman thing. Some "Hoke" posts were mine, some were his.
But really-- he is a real guy.