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April 05, 2005
"You're Morons!:" The Delicate Bedside Manner of Dr. Howard Dean
Via Kausfiles, Howard Dean patiently attempts to explain to his fellow Americans that they are terminally stupid, and the prognosis is grim:
We have to acknowledge people's fears. It's not just about gay rights and abortion. It's fear of what happens to their families. What they need is a signal from the Democratic Party that we're going to make it easier for them to raise their kids. The mistake is to think we're going to talk people out of their fears. These are not logical fears. Most kids will turn out fine, even in this era of bad stuff on television and things like that. You cannot sit down and logically explain to people why they have their fears.
Emphasis added.
Howard Dean further empathized with the plight of the middle-class, noting the lack of truly-fashionable Husky-sized overalls and the employment challenges facing drooling inbred Appalachian trash, "such as (pointing) you hillbilly-hucklebucks over there."
I have to cop to this one: there was a point, way back in June, when I thought this idiot actually had a chance. I ate crow for that pessimism, but obviously not enough of it.