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April 04, 2005
San Francisco (Where Else?) Contemplates Regulating Blogs
How do you turn a dorky and embarassing pasttime into something really cool? Make it dangerous... and have the state attempt to outlaw it.
Thanks for making this fun again, you socialist retards:
Just when you thought the Federal Election Commission had it out for the blogosphere, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors took it up a notch and announced yesterday that it will soon vote on a city ordinance that would require local bloggers to register with the city Ethics Commission and report all blog-related costs that exceed $1,000 in the aggregate.
Blogs that mention candidates for local office that receive more than 500 hits will be forced to pay a registration fee and will be subject to website traffic audits, according to Chad Jacobs, a San Francisco City Attorney.
More at Daily Pudit's link, including a link to the proposed city ordinance.
San Fransisco and Canada are both doing their part to accomplish what I once thought impossible-- making blogging cool.
Morons. Jackasses. Useless retard-brained fuckweasels. Or, as the man himself said, "Fools... bureaucratic fools."*
Take a stand against The Man and buy a t-shirt.
It's not just a handsome garment which will delight and amaze your friends. It's a brave symbolic stance against government corruption and overreaching and, if I may be so bold, against tyranny itself.
You guys don't... like tyranny, now do you?
Thanks to LastTango. His tip was like butter.
* Which man? Probably too easy for you geeks.
I'm So Brilliant I Just Stumble Into Further Brilliance Accidentally Update:
Well, it turns out my Indiana Jones reference was even more f'n' hammer-slicin' than I imagined:
On your Indiana Jones reference: is this what Indy says at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark? When he's walking down the marble staircase at the very end of the movie? If so, your reference is even better -- because that scene was shot in San Francisco City Hall. Those stairs lead directly up to the Board of Supervisors chamber. I lived in SF for 9 years and was in there many, many times.
Thanks to sissoed to pointing out how freakin' amazing I really am sometimes.
It's such a joy to be perpetually surprised by one's own omnicompetence.