"Just had a great meal on our last night in Bermuda ..."
"18 If that's your car's navigation system, you're ..."
"Any suggestions?
For bigger portions, use a big ..."
Pete Bog:
"Don't hobos come from Hoboken, NJ?
Posted by: Cia ..."
AZ deplorable moron:
She did send him to Italy to get the pizza.
Pos ..."
Posted by: Ciampino - Give peas a chanc ..."
"[i]Don't hobos come from Hoboken, NJ?
Posted by: ..."
Ciampino - Give peas a chance:
Don't hobos come from Hoboken, NJ? ..."
Pete Bog:
" You can't make authentic Hobo stew without bone m ..."
CrotchetyOldJarhead :
"Baked potato stuffed with pulled pork and a little ..."
From about That Time:
"Rich is often conflated with unhealthy. A mistake. ..."
Pete Bog:
"In the context of pizza, you're not supposed to ev ..."