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"These People:" The MSM's Hatred of the Religious »
March 30, 2005
Very Self-Serving and Whiny Post
Mentions in/on...
WSJ: 1
FoxNews: 1
CNN: 1
MSNBC: 1 (although I don't know if I should even bother mentioning that)
The Hotline: 3 or 4
CJR: 1
Additional Readers Garnered from these Mentions: Zero
Crazy Blog-Money Fund: Almost depleted, and it was at near-zero to begin with
T-Shirts sold: 30
Paula Zahn Appearances: zero
Who does a guy have to blow do get some serious play? Just forward me the name. Will man-whore for blog-money.
Update: Meanwhile, useless retards esteemed fellow bloggers Bill from InDC and Jeff "Protein Wisdom" Goldstein will be interviewing Instapundit hisself on their TalkRadio gig.
During the length of the interview, I'll just be sitting in my basement, alone and in the dark, swigging Val-U-Rite discount vodka while knitting together a noose from old gym socks.
But I'll be fine. Don't you worry about me. I'll be just fine. And. Dandy.
Hey Now... This post was intended to be lightly humorous, my typical sort of woe-is-me Howard-Stern-style bitching.
Please don't take it as a bleg. It really was intended for comic effect.
I appreciate the donation and the the t-shirt sale it provoked, however.
OTOH, a poster has just made me a flat-out amazing offer, so I guess I'm pretty happy about my on-line cri de couer. Or however the hell you spell it. I could give a shit about the French or their gutter language.