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March 24, 2005
Another Dodgy Document Gets Big MSM Play
New Republican "Talking Points Memo" Declares: "We're Just Plain Fuckin' Evil!"
I just can't believe this.
When I first heard about this alleged "Republican talking points memo," I almost plotzed with laughter. Remember, talking points memos are supposed to be bullet-points of what you want to convey to the public. That's why they're "talking points."
They're not supposed to reveal your cynical political strategems. See, you don't talk about those. At least not publicly.
So you can imagine my reaction when I heard this "Repubican talking points memo" basically laying out -- as a talking point -- the GOP's intention to cynically use Terri Schiavo to pander to the religious right, stating flat-out that we GOP'ers will do this to excite our religious conservative base.
Uhmmmm... yeah.
Here's the thing: I have absolutely no doubt at all that that is what many cynical Republicans think of when they think of Terri Schiavo.
But of course it is beyond ridiculous to imagine someone would type that up and distribute it so that other Republicans would admit to such cynical motives when chatting up Katie Couric.
Did they also bother to type up the "Mwu-ha-ha-ha's" and stage-direct the twisting of the moustache?
And of course it is non-sourced. No one will say where this "memo" came from; I have a feeling it came from Democratic sources. But they swear they got it from a guy, who got it from a guy, who got it from a guy who voted for Jack Anderson in 1980 and who has occasionally "considered" voting for a Republican in subsequent years.
Anyway, Michelle -- Malkin, that is, without the obscene anti-Anka bias -- has a good round-up.
As does Powerline, of course, who are making a cottage industry out of exposing Democrat frauds.
This story is so ludicrous on its face that I'm having trouble even being outraged about it.
But give me time.
Top Ten Submissions Requested! I'm working on the "Top Ten Exposed 'Republican Talking Points,'" which of course will all be ridiculous "admissions" concocted by liberal moonbats.
Trouble is, I've only got two, and nothing else is coming. And I'd like to bang this out so I can take a little "porn-break."
I meant "go to the bank." Of course I meant "go to the bank." I don't even know what this so-called "porn" is.
So-- smoke 'em if you got 'em.